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sourdough-waffles recipe

Date:    Tue, 21 Dec 93 19:20:56 EST
 From:    James Massey (masseyj@alpha.acast.nova.edu)
 FF Sourdough Waffles
 night before:  take 1/2 cup of sourdough starter, mix with 4 cups of 
 water and 4 cups of flour (bread, w/ or w/out whole wheat or whatever).  
 Place in a nonmetal bowl, let sit out covered with a towel.
 morning of:  add 2 tbsp sugar or equivalent, 1 tsp baking soda, 1 heaping 
 tsp baking powder, 2 egg whites if you are so inclined, and enough flour 
 to make as thin or thick as you wish.  Bake in a waffle iron (non-stick, 
 first timesprayed, after that spraying usually unnecessary) until done.  
 Doesn't have quite the cardboard texture of Special K Eggos :)
 Of course, you can throw in whatever flavorings you wish.
 kwovo ovo