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cranberry-chutney-2 recipe

Date:    Mon, 15 Nov 93 11:17:28 CST
 From:    cgibas@wraightc3.life.uiuc.edu (Cynthia J. Gibas)
 Cranberry chutney, a la Cindy:
 1 bag of 'fresh' cranberries (12 0z?)
 1.5 c. water
 brown sugar
 red pepper flakes
 nutritional yeast
 This has only been done once and I was 'winging it' at the time, but it sure
 was good.
 Boil water.  Add cranberries and cook them until they pop.  Use a potato 
 masher to help them pop.  Add just enough sugar to the cranberries to mellow
 them out a little bit.  There should be no sweet taste at all.  Then add
 a couple of teaspoons of salt, and some nutritional yeast.  You might want
 to use some veg broth, or onion powder, to give it a more savory taste.  Red
 pepper flakes are optional.
 kwvegan vegan