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can-number-sizes recipe

Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 13:19:55 -0500
From: Jayne Spielman (jayne@bridge.com)

can number sizes (for old-fashioned recipes)

For all of those old recipes that call for cans of different sizes....

I clipped this from a newspaper ages ago and typed it in from the
yellowing page.

American Can sizes

Number	Contents
1	10-12 ounces
300	14-16 ounces
1 1/2	1 pound+17 ounces
303	1 pound+17 ounces
2	1 pound+4 ounces, or 1 pint+2 fluid ounces
2 1/2	1 pound+12 ounces to 1 pound+14 ounces
3	3 pounds+3 ounces or 1 quart+14 ounces
10	6 pounds+2 ounces or 7 pounds+5 ounces

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