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pickled-jalapenos recipe

Date:    Mon, 29 Aug 94 10:50:19 EDT
 From:    dgarland@cdplus.com
 Pickled Jalapenos
 	In response to the question how to preserve Jalapenos (or any other 
 chile). The following is the recipe I obtained originally from my cooking
 class in high school in Mexico, but I made some modifications because the 
 chiles were allways too cooked. As to how tro dry chiles, that is a question
 that can be answered only by experimenting, since as a mexican I am use to
 find any kind of chiles any time in the market very cheap, and I would 
 think most of the mexicans wouldn't know how to dry them.... Any way, I have
 a very good recipe for chipotles (dry jalapenos) once I am able to understand
 how this system works... Please note that I don't give the exact amounts 
 because they would vary depending on what you want to get, but keep in mind
 that the important thing always would be the spices.
 		Fresh chiles (jalapenos or serranos)
 		Coliflower (I use one head only)
 		Garlic (1/4 of a head per jar)
 		The following spices on each jar:
 			1 or 2 Bay entire leaves
 			2 cloves
 			2 or 3 pepper corms
 			1 little piece of cinnamon
 			1/4 tsp of mustard seed
 		white vinegar (I use like 1/2 galon for eight 1 pint jars).
 	Slice the carrots in rounds. Brake the coliflower in small pieces and 
 cut the onions in chunks. I cut garlics in such a way that the teeth? are in
 halfs. I like to use entire chiles but I always punch them with a toothpick, so
 the flavor comes out. If you want you can slice them in longitudinal cuts, 
 which is the traditional way. I heat a little bit of oil (like 3 or 4 
 tablespoons) and place all the vegetables at the same time and mix everything
 until all the vegetables are covered with a thin layer of oil. Then I fill the
 jars with the vegetables (the jars by then already have the spices and salt). 
 Apart, I heat the vinegar and when it is boiling I pour it over the vegetables.
 I close the jars (following the traditional preserving instructions) and let 
 them boil closed for 15 minutes. I let stand the pickles for at least a week.
 Before coming to the states I preserved in this way like 5 jars with only fresh
  "piquin chiles" and I have been using them for the last year, by adding here
 the vegetables, this works wonderful, because we have had very flavorful picles
 for long time. I hope you enjoy this recipe.
 kwvegan vegan