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roasted-shallot-cream recipe

Date: Sat, 3 Jun 95 15:11:55 CDT
 From: judith@utig.ig.utexas.edu (Judith Haller)
 Here's a recipe that makes a rich-tasting potato topper, although it is
 intended to be used more as a garnish for savory soups and stews
 This recipe is from a sidebar in _Great Vegetarian Cooking Under Pressure_
 by Lorna Sass (and I'd nominate this cookbook for every Cook Book Award
 there is!). Fat is omitted.
 6 oz. lite silken tofu (about 3/4 cup)
 1/4 pound shallots (they should all be the same size)
 1 tsp maple syrup
 2 tsp brown rice vinegar
 salt to taste (optional)
 Wrap the shallots in foil and roast them for 10-15 minutes until soft.
 Blend all the ingredients and adjust salt, vinegar, and syrup to taste.
 Nice on a potato with snipped chives and fresh ground black pepper.
 kwvegan vegan