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carrot-torte recipe

Date:    Tue, 05 Oct 93 20:26:29 PDT
 From:    rfelix@netcom.com (Robbie Felix)
 Carrot Tort
 1 pie crust ( this is *not a "sweet pie, brown rice crust works)
 2 c carrots ( cut-up fpr quick steaming)
 1 cup skim or rice milk
 1 Tblsp honey
 1/2 tsp ground ginger
 egg replacer for 2 eggs
 steam carrots. pour everything in food processor or blender ( except
 crust of course! grind up pretty well, pour into shell and bake 10
 minutes at 400, turn heat to 350 and bake 30 minutes more.
 This is great for Thanksgiving!
 *for crust, squish brown rice into pie plate, bake for about 10
 minutes before filling.
 kwovo ovo