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chili-cilantro-dressing recipe

Date:    Thu, 12 May 94 17:19:00 EDT
 From:    "Anne.Cox" (20676AC@msu.edu)
 From the New McDougall Cookbook
 CHILI-CILANTRO DRESSING (fantastic!wonderful!use on anything!-ac)
 1 4oz. can chopped green chilis
 1/4 c chopped fresh cilantro
 1/4 c water
 1/4 c fresh lime juice
 1-2 cloves garlic
 2 t honey
 freshly ground pepper to taste
 Place all of the ingredients in a food processor or blender.  Blend until
 smooth.  (one of those Braun hand blenders works really well-ac)
 kwhoney honey