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yogurt-cheese-dressing recipe

Date:    Wed, 27 Jul 94 14:23:53 EDT
 From:    jawallac@uga.cc.uga.edu
 Yogurt Cheese Dressing                 Make the yogurt cheese by draining
                                        yogurt in cheesecloth until it's
 1 c yogurt or buttermilk               thick enough to call cheese.  Mix
 1 1/2 c yogurt cheese                  with other ingredients + refrigerate.
 2-3 T vinegar                          Be sure to use only yogurt that
 2-3 garlic cloves, minced              doesn't contain gelatin because
 1 t dried dill weed                    yogurt cheese doesn't work as well when
 salt and pepper to taste               the yogurt contains gelatin.
 kwlacto lacto