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cranberry-sorbet recipe

Date:    Sun, 05 Feb 95 11:05:07 EST
 From:    BRRB11A@prodigy.com  (MRS ROSE L GEIGER)
 -- [ From: Rose Geiger * EMC.Ver #2.10P ] --
 Haven't made this myself, but did taste it. Good for cleansing the
 ---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.00 (BB)
       Title: Cranberry-apple Sorbet
  Categories: Fat-free, Desserts, Ornish
       Yield: 2 to 2 1/2 cups
      2    Golden Delicious apples
            Peeled, cored, and coarsely
       2 c  Cranberry Juice
   1. In medium-size saucepan, combine apples and juice.
       Heat to boiling.
   2. Reduce heat to simmer, cover and cook 20 minutes or
       until apples are very soft.
   3. Uncover and set aside to cool to room temperature.
   4. In food processor or blender, puree apple and juice
      until smooth. 
   5. Pour into ice-cream maker and process into sorbet following
      manufacturer's directions.  OR
   6. If not using ice-cream maker, pour puree into a9-inch square pan.
      Cover and freeze until partially frozen -- about 2  hours.
   7. Meanwhile, chill a large bowl and beaters of an electric mixer. 
   8. Place puree in chilled bowl and beat on low speed until pieces    
     are broken up, then beat on high speed until smooth and  fluffy -- 
     about 1 minute.
   9. Pack sorbet into freezer container and freeze several hours      
 before serving.
   Nutritional Info: (per 1/2 cup)  2 g. protein, 27 g.
   carbohydrate, .3 g. fat, 2 g. fiber, 2 mg. sodium, 108
 kwvegan vegan