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asparagus-red-peppers recipe

To:      Sally Charette                       (ECZ5SCC@MVS.OAC.UCLA.EDU)
 From:    sally charette                       (ECZ5SCC@MVS.OAC.UCLA.EDU)
 From Dr. Dean Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart Disease.
      Asparagus with Roasted
      Red Peppers
      (Makes 4 servings)
      1 1/2 cups asparagus 1 medium red pepper 1 teaspoon freshly minced
 garlic 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar Salt Pepper
      Remove hard bottom stem of asparagus and slice rest of stalk into
 approximately 1-inch pieces.  Blanch asparagus and put into-cold water to
 stop it from cooking further.  Drain and set aside.
      Roast red pepper in 500 [degrees] oven for 20-30 minutes, turning
 occasionally.  When skin has darkened and blistered, remove pepper from
 oven.  Transfer to bowl and cover with aluminum foil.  Let cool 30
 minutes, then peel off skin and seed pepper.  Slice into julienne strips
 and toss 1/2 cup roasted pepper with garlic and vinegar.  Let marinate a
 few minutes, then toss peppers with asparagus.  Add salt and pepper to
 taste and serve.
      Per serving (1/2 cup):
      Calories: 16 Cholesterol: 0 mg Total fat: 0.2 gm Saturated fat: trace
 kwvegan vegan