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tandoori-paste recipe

Date:    Thu, 21 Oct 93 10:47:07 CDT
 From:    cgibas@wraightc3.life.uiuc.edu (Cynthia J. Gibas)
 I make tandoori stuff (used to be chicken, but since then I've tried eggplant)
 at home...the paste is very easy to make.
 In a blender:
 2 c. nonfat yogurt (active cultures are good)
 several cloves garlic
 several pieces chopped fresh ginger
 a few chopped hot green chilies (seeds or not is up to you)
 cayenne pepper or paprika
 garam masala
 I've been unspecific with the measures, because the balance of spices in this
 is kind of up to the cook...there are probably other ingredients besides these
 in the commercial tandoori paste, but these are the essentials as I remember
 Anyway, to prepare the food, marinate whatever you'll be cooking in a mixture
 of lemon juice and salt for about 1/2 hr.  Then add the lemon juice/salt to
 the stuff in the blender and whirl it up.  When you lean over to sniff it 
 should bite back, hard.  Pour the tandoori paste over the food, let it sit
 for up to two hours.  Then (for eggplant slices, for example) toss on the
 grill still lightly coated with the tandoori mixture (messy) OR for something
 big like a head of cauliflower, wrap in tinfoil, slathering a lot of the paste
 over the top before closing it up.  Bake until it's almost done, and then
 open the tinfoil to let it dry out a bit while it finishes baking.
 If you want really bright red, mix some red and yellow food coloring and 
 paint it onto the food during the lemon and salt phase.
 kwlacto lacto