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tofu-lasagna-2 recipe

Date:    Sun, 07 Nov 93 12:09:43 CST
 From:    simmons@Texaco.COM (Robert L. Simmons)
 This recipe was in the Nov 3, Houston Post's food section in an article on
 tofu. The intro says it was adapted from _Tofu Cookery_ by Louise Hagler
 (The Book Publishing Company, $14.95). It was a bit runny when I made it
 last night (but quite tasty), and the next time, I think I'll use half 
 tofu and half LF cottage cheese or even mashed potato. This is a lot of 
 tofu, so look for a brand with the lowest fat you can find (mine had 8g/lb).
 3.5 to 4 cups spaghetti sauce
 1.5 lbs firm tofu 
 1/4 cup lemon juice
 2 tsp dried basil
 2 tsp honey
 1 tsp salt
 1 clove garlic or 1/2 tsp garlic salt (I used 3 large cloves)
 1/2 lb lasagna noodles cooked to package directions
 Preheat oven to 350 deg F
 In a food processor or blender, puree to a fine grainy ricotta-like
 texture the tofu, lemon juice, basil, honey, salt, and garlic (or
 garlic salt).
 Start making layers in a 9" x 13" baking dish, starting with a thin
 layer of spaghetti sauce, then a layer of cooked noodles, then a layer
 of half of the tofu filling. Continue in the same order, using half the
 remaining sauce, noodles, the remaining tofu filling, ending with the
 remaining spaghetti sauce (I put one more layer of noodles on top of the
 last of the filling, then the remaining spaghetti sauce; i.e., sauce,
 noodles, filling, sauce, noodles, filling, noodles, sauce).
 Bake for about 30 minutes. Serves 8 to 10.
 kwhoney honey