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beef-not-broccoli recipe

Date: Tue, 09 Sep 97 14:42:46 EST
From: (garcia5@un.org)
     Beef Not & Broccoli
     1 cup of Beef Not Strips
     2 1/2 cups of vegetable broth (separated)
     1 lb. broccoli florets
     1 medium sized onion, cut into chunks
     2 tablespoons of corn starch
     2 tablespoons of light soy sauce
     1 teaspoon onion powder
     1 teaspoon garlic powder
     4-5 chopped scallions (white part, too)
     1 tablespoon fresh grated ginger
     pinch of fresh ground pepper
     Mix beef not strips and 1 1/4 cup of vegetable broth in a microwavable 
     bowl.  Heat for 12 minutes.  Let it sit while you prepare the broccoli 
     & onions.
     Mix the corn starch, onion & garlic powder, and soy sauce into one cup 
     of vegetable broth.  Stir well.  Set aside.
     Heat 1/4 cup of broth in a wok or large skillet.  Stir "fry" the beef 
     not for about 5 minutes. Add the broccoli and onions.  Stir fry for 
     another minute.  Add the broth mixture.  Cook and stir for another two 
     or three minutes.  Add the scallions, pepper and ginger and cook no 
     longer than one more minute.  Serve hot over rice.  Delicious!  It 
     took me about 25 minutes to prepare this wonderful dish!  It probably 
     tastes great the next day, too, but there were no left overs.

kwvegan vegan