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pumpkin-pie-filling recipe

Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 11:29:36 -0500
From: The O'Briens (obfam@hardynet.com)
Message-Id: (

Hi!  Here's what I do for a pumpkin pie filling

--1 Can Pumpkin
--1 c.    F F Sweetened Condensed Milk, or I mixed up FF dry milk to make a
--Egg Substitute for 2 eggs
--1 tsp Cinnamon
--1/2 tsp ea Ginger, Nutmeg, Salt
--sweetener equivalent to 3/4 c. sugar, if you'd like to sweeten it

Combine well & pour into pie crust, or pour into sprayed pan w/o crust for
more of a custard-dessert w/o the fat of a crust.

kwovolacto ovolacto