Date: Mon, 02 Aug 93 14:53:46 EDT
From: "Sara J. Gottlieb" (
Tried a WONDERFUL and EASY dish this weekend. Gnocchi are delicious
Italian potato "dumplings" and I found the recipe in the Washington Post
food section last week...this is from memory...
Potato Gnocchi
1.5 lbs russett potatoes
1.5 cups flour (semolina, but I used regular all-purpose)
1 egg-replacer egg
Bake the potatoes in the microwave or the old-fashioned way..till just a
bit soft. Peel the potatoes and mash with the egg mix. Add flour .5 cup
at a time and mix thoroughly. When you have a doughy substance (fairly
smooth and not too dry) tear off 1/3 of the dough and roll into a rope 1/2
inch thick. (oh, flour your hands and a flat surface or it will stick!)
Cut off 1 inch slices from the rope and put a dimple into the pieces.
Boil a large pot of water. Add the dumplings to the boiling water and let
cook for about 2's surprisingly fast....until they rise to
the surface. Top with any sauce you like, or none at all.....this is
about 4 servings. Delicious!
kwvegan vegan