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gnocchi-4 recipe

Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1993 9:53:30 -0500 (EST)
 Italian Gnocchi
 5 lbs. potatoes, peeled, boiled and drained
 flour (about 4-5 cups)
 sprinkle of salt
 Mash or rice potatoes while hot until almost lump free
 Make a *volcanoe* of flour on a counter/board/table
 Place potatoes in the center.  With you fingers or a fork
 slowly mix in flour until a somewhat sticky dough forms
 adding flour as necessary so it doesn't stick to your hands.
 break of a chunk of this dough and form into a long rope
 about 3/4" in diameter.  Cut role into 3/4" pieces.
 It gets confusing here, you form them into little 
 shells by *smooshing* against the table or a fork to
 create a design on the outside of each little gnocchi.
 (gnocchi in Italian is suppose to mean some kind of
 snail shell I think.)  
 Place all of the gnocchi on a large platter until all
 dough is used up, flouring well so they don't stick to
 each other.  
 Place a large pan of water (really large) on to boil.
 When it comes to a boil, add about 1 Tbs. of salt.
 Slowly drop in the gnocchi.  Stir once (they sink to the
 bottom)  As they rise, remove with slotted spoon to 
 serving dish or bowl.  pour sauce over and enjoy.  They
 are truly awesome with a nice basil tomato sauce.
 You can also make them with fat free Ricotta.  For
 every container of Ricotta, add 2 containers of flour
 and omit the potatoes, but the potatoes are my 
 Donna Henderson
 kwvegan vegan