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sweet-potato-dinner recipe

Date:    Wed, 12 Jan 94 08:49:12 EST
 From:    Christina Hulbe (chulbe@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu)
 Sweet Potato Dinner
 1) washed, pierced all over with a fork, && cooked in the
    microwave until just tender, then wrapped in a towel
    to sit until needed.
 2) caramelized some thin rings of onion in a non-stick
    skillet, using veg stock to deglaze
 3) added 1/2 cup of stock to the pan and seasoned with
    garlic salt, shredded ginger root, "chili powder",
    ground corriander, and a Tbsp or so of nutitional yeast
 4) while the sauce simmered, I peeled && diced the
    sweet potato, tossed it in && let it simmer until the
    sauce is thickened (&& some soaks into the potato)
 5) cut several leaves of kale into thin strips && stirred
    in just before serving.
 6) serve with salsa
 I had this on masa && whole wheat pancakes but it would
 be good with brown rice or fatfree tortillas too.
 kwvegan vegan