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bread-pudding recipe

Date:    Sun, 16 Jan 94 17:00:23 MST
 From:    Sara Katsh (skatsh@csn.org)
 Bread Pudding Recipe
 My mother's fatfree version of the bread pudding we loved as kids.  You
 CAN go home again...
 4c. bread cubes  (from ends she saves in freezer)
 2c. water or skim milk (hot)
 2/3c. brown sugar
 1/2c. raisins
 2 apples, sliced thin
 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
 1 tsp. vanilla
 3 egg whites
 Combine bread cubes, raisins, and apples in large bowl.  Add water or milk
 and sugar.  Mix thoroughly and let stand for 20-30 min.  Add beaten egg
 whites (just til foamy), cinnamon, and vanilla.  Mix thoroughly.  Pour
 into a 1 1/2-quart sprayed casserole.  Bake uncovered for 45 min. to 1
 hr., until set and lightly browned.
 kwovo ovo