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rice-pudding recipe

Date:    Fri, 20 Aug 93 11:47:09 EDT
 From:    asya@empress.com (Asya Kamsky)
 I just made a McDougall Rice Pudding from the recipe hardback
 that he and his wife published (I think recently).
 It's very yummy:  the ingridients are:
 2 cups cooked brown rice
 3/4 cups soy milk (I used the fat free Soy Moo from Health Valley,
 		   which is still good, btw, after two weeks in the fridge)
 3/4 cups water
 2 tbsp honey
 1 tsp vanilla extract
 2 tsp cinnamon
 Combine and bake covered for 45 mins or till set.  It came out
 a little too cinnamony for me but I'm not a huge fan of that flavor.
 I'm taking this to a pot-luck dinner where many people are eating
 fat-free, so I know it'll be appreciated.
 kwhoney honey