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thai-cucumber-salad recipe

Date:    Thu, 22 Dec 94 16:31:00 PST
 From:    "Severson, Kate" (hpl@WSDOT.WA.GOV)
 from Mollie Katzen's "Still Life With Menu"
 Thai Cucumber Salad
 2 medium-sized cucumbers
 1/2 cup very finely minced red onions
 1/2 teaspoon salt
 2 teaspoons sugar
 1/4 cup cider vinegar
 1/4 cup freshly minced cilantro
 1/2 cup finely mined red or green bell pepper
 1 small red serrano chili, seeded and cut into very thin strips, or crushed 
 red pepper, to taste
 sprigs of cilantro
 1)  Peel and seed the cucumbers.  Cut into quarters lengthwise, then into 
 thin slices.
 2)  Combine everything except the serrano chile and cilantro sprigs into a 
 medium-sized bowl.  Mix gently.  Cover tightly, and let marinate in the 
 refrigerator at least 4 hours.
 3)  Serve cold.  Top with thin strips of red serrano chili and sprigs of 
 fresh cilantro, if desired, shortly before serving.
 Yield:  4 to 6
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