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barbeque-sandwiches recipe

Date:    Mon, 31 Oct 94 21:37:41 EST
 From:    SUSAN WYLDER (ZF_WYLDER@scsu.edu)
 Quick Barbeque Sandwiches
 1 cup TVP 
 1/2 cup water
 1 medium onion, chopped fine
 1 or 2 cloves garlic, minced
 water or other liquid for sauteing
 your favorite barbeque sauce
 Mix the TVP with the 1/2 cup water and set aside for 5 minutes.
 Saute onion in about 1 Tbs. liquid until almost cleear.  Then add garlic and
 cook for another minute.  Add the reconstituted TVP.  Add the barbeque sauce
 until the mixture is the right consistency for sandwiches.  Heat thoroughly
 and serve.
 It's so easy!  And if you want to avoid commercial barbeque sauce and make 
 your own, I'm sure there are a lot of good recipes for homemade bbq sauce
 out there.  (Post 'em!)  Something strange (to me at least) that is 
 available here in South Carolina is a mustard-based sauce; I'd never
 seen it before I moved here, but now that I've discovered it, I'm
 addicted!  It works great in this recipe.  If anyone out there has a 
 recipe for mustard-based barbeque sauce, I'd love the recipe.
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