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miso-vegetable-broth recipe

Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 18:21:32 -0700
From: Kathleen (schuller@ix.netcom.com)

I bought some Miso a few weeks ago because those of you who cook with Miso
made it sound interesting.  I'm a very plain cook so was quite cautious
about using it.  I made the following soup yesterday and we both enjoyed
it.  Now I will get a little more adventurous with this product.

                     *  Exported from  MasterCook  *

                           Miso Vegetable Broth

Recipe By     : McDougall Newsletter May-June, 1997
Serving Size  : 2    Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Soups & Stews                    Soyfoods

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   3 1/2  cups          broth, vegetable
   1      bunch         green onions -- chopped
   1      each          carrot -- thinly sliced
   1      stalk         celery -- sliced
     1/2  cup           vegetable rotelli
     1/2  cup           sliced fresh mushrooms
     1/2  cup           frozen peas
     1/2  cup           frozen corn kernels
   1 1/2  tablespoons   light miso
     1/2  tablespoon    chopped cilantro or parsley

Servings: 2.  Preparation Time: 10 minutes.  Cooking Time: 10 minutes.
Place broth in a saucepan.  Add green onions, carrots, celery and pasta.
Bring to a boil, cover, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes.   Add
mushrooms, peas and corn.  Continue to cook for 5 minutes.   Remove a small
amount of broth to a bowl.  Stir in miso and mix well.Add to soup along
with the cilantro.  Mix well and serve.

Hint: This can be a good way to use up some of the vegetables in your
refrigerator and freezer.  Keep the pieces small or thin so that they cook
quickly.  Other pastas may also be used for variation.

McDougall Newsletter May-June, 1997

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