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provincial-soup recipe

Date: Sun, 25 Jun 95 15:32 EST
 From: joell@jolt.mpx.com.au (Joell Abbott)
 Provincial Soup
 Serves 6-8
  From : Winter '95 ed. of Fresh News, Sydney Market 
 Authority Vol 1 No.3
 1 onion
 2 large cloves garlic
 200 grams turnips
 400 grams carrots
 500 grams potatoes
 1 kilogram ripe tomatoes
 5 cups vegetable stock
 300 grams borlotti beans
 100 grams spaghetti
 2 tablespoons of chopped basil
 Peel and dice onion, garlic, & turnip. Dice carrots, potatoes 
 & tomatoes. Place vegetables in a large suacepan with stock. 
 cover bring to boil & simmer for 10 mins.
 Premove beens from pods. Break spaghetti in half. Add beans, 
 spaghetti and basil to soup. Continue cooking for another 20 
 mins. Serve sprinkled with low fat parmesan cheese if desired 
 or place whole basil leaves on top if preferred.
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