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pumpkin-soup-3 recipe

Date:    Thu, 29 Dec 94 22:03:51 PST
 From:    Shoshana Edwards (bree@netcom.com)
 Pumpkin Soup
 Recently I was at a local restaurant and found they had pumpkin soup, 
 made without butter!  It was rather like eating hot, liquid pumpkin pie.  
 I asked for the recipe, and here it is.
 I recommend accompanying it with a nice sourdough bread or something 
 Cook a medium sized pumpkin, using any method with which you are 
 comfortable.  The new honey pumpkins now available are really great for 
 this purpose!  Scoop out the cooked pumpkin, and blend it in the blender 
 adding non-fat milk or rice dream until the desired thickness is 
 reached.  Return to a pan and season with cinammon, clove, nutmeg and/or 
 pumpkin pie spice to taste.  I don't specify measurements because 
 everyone has a different idea of how much of these kinds of spices to 
 use.  Heat on low until desired temperature is reached.
 For a really special treat, froth up non-fat milk (sweetened if desired)  
 with a capuccino machine steam thingy, and float mounds on the top of the 
 soup with pumpkin pie spices on top.
 I apologize for the randomness of this recipe, but this is the way it was 
 given to me, and I find myself experimenting with it often, changing 
 spices, adding maple syrup for a desert soup, adding thickener for a 
 pumpking pudding variation.  It's great for a cold night pick-me-up, and 
 kids love it!
 kwvegan vegan