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sweet-squash-soup recipe

Date:    Tue, 07 Jun 94 08:46:54 -0900
 From:    Mike Dobbert (mikecd@sr.hp.com)
 From the New McDougall Cookbookbl
 The only possible modification I'd make is to use less water.  I ended
 up dumping some of the liquid (maybe 2 cups) after the soup had
 simmered, and then blended it.  The result was very creamy and very
 Sweet Squash Soup
 1      Large Butternut or Buttercup Squash
 1 1/2  cups sliced onion
 1 1/2  cups peeled and chopped apple
 1      cup chopped carrot
 2 to 3 teaspoons minced fresh ginger
 5      cups water
 Put the whole squash in a microwave oven and cook on high power for 8
 minutes.  Peel the squash and cut into cubes.  (If you don't have a
 microwave oven, this step may be omitted.  This brief cooking time
 simply makes the squash easier to peel and cut up.)  Place all of the
 ingredients in a large soup pot and simmer over medium-low heat for
 45 minutes.  Place the soup in a blender or food processor, in
 batches, and blend until smooth and creamy.
 kwvegan vegan