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sage-apple-stuffing recipe

Date:    Thu, 14 Oct 93 08:27:36 EDT
 From:    Christina Hulbe (chulbe@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu)
 Modification of a recipie from _Eating Well_.  I have not made it but
 my mother has.  She reported that it was mild && too soggy for her
 taste.  Adding a tsp of fennel might remind you of sausage-type
 stuffing.  I think some raisins &&/or 1/4 cup of sherry in place of
 some stock would be welcome additions as well.
 Sage and Apple Dressing
 8     Cups    cubed stale bread (about 12 slices)
 2     stalks  celery, chopped
 1     large   onion, chopped
 4             apples, peeled, cored, && chopped
 1-1/2 tsp     sage, rubbed dried
 1     tsp     thyme, dried
 1/2   Cup     chopped cranberries
 1-1/2 Cup     vegetable stock
            salt && pepper to taste
   Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  Spread bread cubes on a
 baking sheet and toast for 15 or 20 minutes, until
 lightly toasted.
   Heat a large non-stick skillet over medium heat.  Put
 celery and onion into skillet, cover, and allow to sweat
 for 5 minutes.  Add two Tbsp of the stock and stir
 to release any browned bits.  Simmer until liquid
 evaporates.  Add apples && two more Tbsp of stock &&
 simmer, stirring, until liquid evaporates.  Stir in sage,
 thyme, && 1/4 cup of stock, cover, reduce heat to low,
 && simmer until apples are tender, 5 or 6 minutes.
   Pour bread mixture into a large bowl, mix in cranberries,
 drizzle with remaining stock, && season with salt && pepper.
   Transfer to a 10-cup casserole, lightly coated with
 non-stick spray, cover, && bake in a 325 degree F oven
 for 35 to 45 minutes.
 apples which maintain their shape when baked are best,
 Northern Spy is *the* quintiscential choice but Golden
 Delicious would be good too.
 kwvegan vegan