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Response to several posts

I have responses to several posts that I will consolidate into one message.

First, how to get more fiber.  Eat lots of whole grains.  Grains like
millet, quinioa, buckwheat, etc. (which incidentally are technically not
grains, but the definition will work for this purpose) all have a lot of
fiber.  I steam the grains in my rice cooker and then top them with
vegetables.  They are also good for morning breakfast cereals.  

Secondly, broccoli stems.  I also love the taste of the stems, so I peel
them and steam them.  I usually cut off the very bottom of the stems and
save them in the freezer for stock.  

Thirdly, I have a recipe to share, which tops staemed grains very well.

First steam broccoli in a skillet, then add other vegetables of choice
(carrots, green beans, peppers, zucchini all work very well).  Add in some
liquid aminos, garlic, fresh or dried basil and dill or whatever spices
strike your fancy.  

The liquid from the vegetables and the liquid aminos make a very nice broth.
Leftovers are great for lunch rolled in a tortilla or reheated over a grain.

