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FATFREE Mailing List Archive: Aug 1996
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- Aug 08, 1996
- Aug 07, 1996
- vegan waffles, James Massey
- back from the Olympics, James Massey
- dehydrators, Julie Gettys
- Veggie Foolers, Vaylor & Holley Trucks
- Dehydrators, Mary Husby
- Broccoli, Jo Hudgins
- yogurt cheese ingredients, Jill BANKUS
- Bean & barley soup <T>, Margaret Marcum
- teflon ingestion, Tracy Hudgins
- peppers & hot sauce recipe, Julie Gettys
- Moussaka, Jeanette Hohls
- mcdougall, diana dalbotten
- Book with food composition, Daniela
- Teflon, dts
- broccoli stems, Amy Felix
- Re: waffles, Paula M. Gouvea
- Aug 06, 1996
- Red Peppers, GCJ4792
- fiber, Mary A. Flesch
- Re: TVP, Dr. Neal Pinckney
- Unidentified subject!, Arnold Bochner
- elf: Pizzeria Uno, Michelle Leberte
- Broccoli, Sharon Romeo
- Recipe, MMULKIN
- Broccoli Stems, Dora Dalton
- yogurt, Tina D. Bell
- Broccoli Stems, Michelle Leberte
- Dixie USA vs Harvest Direct, Jim Oswalt
- good and simple banana bread, dbl
- yogurt cheese, pihonak
- Brazilian Bananas, Paula M. Gouvea
- Response to several posts, Eva Schweber
- Broccoli, Zeftu
- Question for McDougallers, KPWalton
- broccoli, Bruce_Wollman
- Fiber, David Wallis
- Muesli, Jeanette Hohls
- waffles, veggie
- Need to re-locate site, S. Thanepohn
- Aug 05, 1996
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