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Master Cook vs Micro Cookbook

       In response to the posts about Master vs Micro cookbook software--I
have both programs and used Micro (3.2 and 4.0) for a couple of years. The
reason I switched to Master was it's superior recipe importing ease and
support. I had heard of this enhanced capacity via other food related Web
sites. Also, Master has the capacity to "auto fill" when entering new
recipes manually. I mainly download so this is not a big plus now. One
shortcoming of Master is only one cookbook can be open at a time. Micro
allows multiple cookbook openings. I also had some printing difficulties
with Micro. Overall, both are good programs but I prefer Master Cook. Both
have a cost analysis function which is pretty meaningless unless you cook in
great quantities or are anal retentive about the cost of each meal. Lastly,
I believe Master has a Web site with recipe achive and a BBS.
Hope this helps.

Mike Dorval
