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ricotta, b.o., vitamin deficiencies

My favorite thing to do with ricotta is to mix it with sauteed onion, wilted 
(steamed for a minute) chopped spinach, chopped tomatoes, an egg white or two, 
ff parmesan, some spices (basil, oregano, whatever) and bake it in a pie plate. 
I ate this all winter as my very favorite meal.  I'm working at McDougal now so 
its not on my diet, boo hoo.  
Re vegetarian body odors, I have a suspicion that some of this is caused by the 
extreme amounts of spicy foods, especially garlic, that vegetarians ingest and 
that can occasionally be noticed when we sweat.
Re those who explore the possibilities that our veg vlf diets may cause 
deficiencies, why believe that this means we are against a vegetarian diet.  
Frankly if I wasn't eating a vegetarian diet these concerns would have little 
meaning for me.  We all know most SAD eaters don't get enough of almost any of 
the vital minerals and vitamins they should--especially beta carotene.  The 
quest for knowledge should not be confused with a contest over the one RIGHT way
to eat.  Everyone is different and makes their own choices.
WHEW!  There sure was a lot to ponder in the past few recent digests.
