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new-fangled pressure cookers?

Can anyone tell me what exactly is different about the newer, supposedly
safer types of pressure cookers?

I have the older type of pressure cooker, with the jiggle weight on
top.  A couple of my pressure cooker cookbooks talk about newer models
that are safer and quieter, but I don't understand what makes them
different.  Do these newer types have a weight on top that jiggles?
Does anyone have a model you can recommend?  Is the Manttra brand (made
in India, and claiming to be a pioneer in safe design) established and
reliable?  I have looked locally and found only the older type, so I
am wondering about stores on the east coast and maybe mailorder
catalogs.  Any explanations and shopping tips would be most helpful!

Please send mail to me privately, since this is probably not a matter
of general interest to the list.

Claire Carpenter
Technical Editor/FACTS Center Seminar Coordinator

115 McVey Hall/Computing Center   __o    Phone: 606-257-2274  (pm best)
UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY          _-\<,_   FAX: 606-323-1978
Lexington, KY 40506-0045       (*)/ (*)  E-mail: claire@xxxxxxxxxxxx
