If you're looking for something to spice up your ff vegetarian diet, you
might be interested in Buffalo Chipotle Sauce. I first heard about this
sauce on the Chili-heads mailing list. It's fairly inexpensive (about
$1.25 for a 5.8 oz bottle), and the taste is fabulous. It's very smoky,
deep, and rich. Chipotles are smoked jalepenos, so you can imagine this
stuff isn't mild. Per teaspoon (I dare *anyone* to eat more than a
teaspoon at a time!): calories=0; fat=0; sodium=150 mg; carb=0; protein=0
(in other words, no food value; just a spice, actually). Ingredients:
water, distilled vinegar, chile peppers, salt, sugar, caramel (for color),
spices and 1/10th of 1 per cent benzoate (as a preservative).
Here's how I like it best: either stirred into refried bean soup (1 can ff
refried beans mixed with 1/2 can water, heated and stirred) or spread on to
a ff toasted tortilla, then covered with ff refried beans, heated in an
oven or toaster oven, topped with shredded lettuce and other veggies of
choice -- optional: top with fresh salsa.