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Uh-Oh, Twabil

        First off, many, many thanks to everyone who responded to my request
for soy/miso sources.  I've just uncovered those letters again, after losing
them (no surprise there) and wanted to post a general 'thank-you' before
addressing each one individually.
        Incidentally, for all the Canucks on the list... has anyone had
experience ordering food products from mail-order sources in the United
States?  I'm not sure it's even possible, and if it is whether or not the
GST and duty will make the cost quite prohibitive.  The mail order
information sent to me by various listmembers is absolutely amazing, but all
are American, and I'm hoping to hear good news from Canadians who have had
these products shipped over the border.
        Finally, some time back a batch of North African recipes were posted
to the list, one of which was called "Mechouia".  It was supposed to be
prepared with something called "Twabil Spice", and the recipe for Twabil was
to be attached but ended up being cut off before being posted.  Has anyone
got the recipe for Twabil?  Or could the original poster re-send it?  I'm
mad for African and Eastern food and have been looking forward to trying
this recipe.

Again, many thanks,
