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Re: Heartline

Hi Donna,
While I usually don't mind "fake meat," I found Heartline
Italian Sausage Style spaghetti package really gross.
I followed the directions, and added a bunch of extra seasonings.
Never tasted it, because it SMELLED like dog food! :-( 
So I threw out the lot of it, and we ordered a pizza, while
Ben looked morosely in the garbage can and said 
"I might have liked dog food."  :-)


Cynthia Barnes      cbarnes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx         

On Sun, 10 Aug 1997, Donna Y Blaine wrote:

> There's been a lot of discussion about Dixie's products, which I
> definitely plan to try.  But has anyone ever tried products from Lumen
> Foods?  I saw an ad for their "Heartline Meatless Meats", which are fat
