Regarding the "freshman fifteen": Sign up for a fun P.E.
class every semester. You won't miss a class, or your
G.P.A. will suffer!
Question to Beverly Kurtin: Regarding your post about food
processors versus bread machines, Are Cuisinarts pretty
high-end? Do you have any suggestions for a machine that will
be used for bread as well as veggies, say, 2 or 3 times per
week? That is, something less pricey but still sturdy?
Regarding Gloriamarie's theory on overly sweet ff products:
I agree, even with my small knowledge of insulin processes.
Have you read the _New Laurel's Kitchen_? They talk a lot
about how much we actually give up for the convenience of
eating processed foods. There are many nice simple
(not ff but not too hard to revise) vegetarian recipes and
lots of nutritional information.