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ice cream and convenience

In her post about convenience foods, Katja writes about ff ice cream that she made in her vitamix.  I have an ice cream maker and would love to be able to make some fat free ice cream (not sorbet).  Does anyone have any recipes??

If there is anyone else out there in Germany who has great "quick food" products that you use...what are they?  I am really envious of the range of fat food products that exist in North America!  The convenience foods that I usually fall back on (rather, fall upon when I get home from work and am starving) are: canned sweetcorn and beans, quark, couscous, and some packet soups (the grain soups from Vitalia have only 0.3g fat per 100g - I assume 100g of the dried stuff).  Other than that I am at a bit of a loss - any suggestions?

Victoria Reed
