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Wonderful Way to Eat Tofu!!

Steamed Tofu `Cake'
400g 		silky soft tofu - mashed up
100g or so	frozen mixed vegies (thawed) - peas, corn, carrots, string
			(comes in a pack in the frozen section)
1 		egg substitute 
2 tsp 		cornstarch
1 tsp		sugar
2 tsp		vegetarian Worcestershire sauce		
2 tsp		salt
1 tbsp		light soya sauce
			ground black pepper
			fresh parsley
			other herbs like rosemary, sage.... up to you!

Mix all together & steam in a shallow dish for about 15 minutes.
Vary the taste - add BBQ sauce... herbs... watever.... find a
`flavour' to your taste!!


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Karen Lim

