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Bay Area Sushi Pig-Out

Jeez .... mention a little sushi and forget to name the restaurant and
I really hear about it.  :-) :-)

Anyway, the sushi place that has lotsa veg stuff is Miyake, with
locations in Palo Alto and Cupertino.  They do the boat thing, but
nothing good comes by on it.  Also, they cater to a rowdy crowd at
dinner times -- very loud music, strobe lights, lotsa yelling, and
drinking games.  Ick.  So I go for lunch, early dinner, or takeout.
But they have the widest and cheapest selection of veg sushi around.

I figure it's time for a SF bay area vegetarian sushi pig-out, maybe a
late weekend lunch.  So, those in the area who might be interested,
send me email at artemis@xxxxxxxxx saying you wanna pig out and I'll
see if I can organize one.  Oh, and if Bambooming Bill will send me
another email saying when he'll be in town, maybe we can work it to
coincide. (I deleted a whole mess of email accidently before I could
reply -- oops).

Michelle, thinking about restarting the ba-fatfree list
