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the ultimate challenge

Here is a true test of creativity.  My daughter's fiancee will be coming to
spend a week, my husband and I are vlf vegans.  My daughter is an omnivore
who is happy to eat our vegan meals at home and supplements with dairy and
eats meat when she is out.  Here's the challenge, the beloved fiancee likes
three vegetables: potatoes, corn, and artichokes.  He can't even tolerate
bits of onion etc, in pasta sauce or beans.  The last time he came, one
night I made beans and rice and served grated cheese on the side for the
kids and we made burritos.  I figure I can make pasta and serve it with two
different sauces, one vegan and one a jar of creamy cheesy stuff. I will
make a potato/corn chowder with no other veggies,it seems onion powder and
the like is okay.  And I will provide some cold meats for sandwiches, etc.
But I really can't tolerate the smell and mess of cooking flesh in my
house.  If the weather warms enough, they can bbq outside.
Any other ideas for meals we can sort of share at home?

BTW, we do like this young man and want him to feel at home.  He tries so
hard and want to "impress" us, he is really cute.

Jan Gordon <jrg14@xxxxxxxxxxx>
I don't know the key to success,
But the key to failure is
Trying to please everybody.  --Bill Cosby
