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Thanks and Question

Thanks to Neal Pinckney for the crispy taco shell ideas!  I had *just*
been trying to figure this out.  I made some last night and forgot they
were in the oven after the phone rang, my daughter slammed her finger in a
drawer, and the cat got on the counter and was happily eating the cheese
my daughter puts on her tacos! ! !  Well, they had curled up together, so
I ended up breaking them up and making taco salad!

I do have a question, though about that SoyaKaas fatfree soy cheese.
How well does this stuff melt?  Lately, I have been wanting the
consistency of cheese, but I can no longer tolerate dairy products after
not eating them for almost four years.    I use a dollop of plain white
wave soy yogurt in place of the sour cream but just haven't found a decent
cheese substitute that is low enough in fat to be suitable.

Thanks, Judy
