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RE: Pretzels and Wonderslim

>On the topic of snack food, could someone describe a pretzel to me.  The only
>ones I have found here are little hard things that actually look kind of greasy
>- no nutritional info on the pack so who can tell!
The pretzels you might find at a sporting event are of the variety known as
soft pretzels.  They are the same shape as the little hard ones you saw in
the store, but are about as big as your hand or sometimes bigger.  They're
called soft pretzels because they're about as thick as your thumb or
thereabouts and are all soft and chewy.  They're a real staple in
Philadelphia. :)      

And to Erin who wants to know how to make wonderslim, it's just the same
pureed prunes that you were using before.  Gotta love those marketing people. ;)

Reason #173 to fear technology...

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Mr. Asciihead learns the Macarena.
