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lunch ideas

For Tiffany, who was looking for sandwich ideas for her husband:

I gather he is not a vlf veg at this time. I would suggest buying a range 
of the fatfree veggie burgers and doing a taste test to find his favorites. 
  You'll have to stand there and read labels, not all are fatfree, some are 
vegan, some are not.   Some are not labeled ff because of their bean 
content, but have no added oil (these are acceptable to me).   I keep a 
stock of Morningstar Farms Spicy Black Bean Burgers in the freezer for my 
husband.  He uses a good whole wheat bread and ff Miracle Whip.   Not 
vegan, but a far cry from McDonalds!   My retired dad now eats a black bean 
burrito with lettuce, chopped tomatoes and onions, ff sour cream, and 
carrot sticks nearly every day for lunch.   He has never been vegetarian. 
 I figure that a daily vlf veg meal can only help, so I think your husband 
is making a good start!
