Kate wrote:
It's not supposed to be safe to let foods cool down before you put them
in the freezer or fridge. During that time bacteria can grow.
Sure bacteria can grow, I guess. I'm no food scientist but since it's not a
meat dish (which has started out with g-d knows what) beans PROBABLY won't
have anything harmful grow on them during a normal cooling down process.
I could be wrong, but I've left beans out on the stove overnight and,
provided that no utensil that has been in a mouth has been in the beans,
I've had them for breakfast and never had a problem.
For that matter I leave cooked rice in the original cooking container out
Again, I could be wrong, but I'd be concerned about animal products growing
bacteria before I'd worry about a pot of pintos going bad during a cool down
Doggone it, it's 1:05 am and now I want some cold beans. Sure glad I'm on
the PMWL!