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re: grapefruit

I do not know what to do with the grapefruit, but I make grapefruit
rinds for holiday presents.


Cut peel into strips and bring to a boil in plenty of water 5 times,
pouring off the water and starting fresh each time.  This parbouling
takes away some of the bitter taste.
Measure the peel and for each cup add:
     1/2 cup sugar
     1/4 cup water
Boil in this syrup till dry.
Roll each one in granulated sugar, and place in cookie sheet to dry.
Store in airtight container so that they won't dry out.

> Has anyone had any luck dehydrating grapefruit?  I just ordered a case
> from a neighbor boy for his school fundraising and I thought I would
> try dehydrating some of it.
> If anyone has done this, I'd love some suggestions on how best to do
> it. Also a few other things:  How do I store it and what are some
> suggestions for using it?
> I acquired a dehydrator recently, but I haven't used it yet.  I
> wasn't
> sure if that or the oven would work best.
> Thanks for any help you might have for me!

Jenka Keizer-Guevara                    The University of Alabama
jguevara@xxxxxxxxxxx                    Instructional Technology
http://ua1vm.ua.edu/~jkeizer3/          Doctoral Candidate
