Re Mike Rosesnblatt's rant/apology:
I know it's not really funny, but still, I'm sitting here laughing.
Reminds me of when we went to a restaurant that considers itself to
be a very nice restaurant (it's mostly in their own minds--Vahl's in
Alviso, for the locals) and, when asked about the food I had made a
small dent in (a dish of vegies swimming in oil) I commented that it
was a bit greasy, she loudly corrected me. "We don't use any grease
here. We use only vegetable oil." I tried to correct her perception
of grease/oil, to the embarrassment of my boyfriend and our friends.
Finally just gave it up.
You're right. They just don't understand. And it will probably
be another generation or two before the real word actually gets
into the mainstream (if ever--we USans seem to be a very stubborn
lot when it comes to adjusting our attitudes). Don't these people
even watch TV? Ridiculous as it is, they DO talk about oils and
such once in awhile. Come to think of it, most of it may be re
how good certain ones are for you.