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Re: Brocolli rabbi

>I love brocolli rabbi.  I saute garlic, add mushrooms and saute for
>another minute then add rabbi.  If the rabbis are not too bitter, this
>dish is wonderful over ww pasta

I can't pass this up! This time of year, it's probably the "rabbi's"
message that's bitter to swallow, and not the rabbi! Although I'm
sure some will be feasting on "roast rabbi" when they break their
Yom Kippur fast. Thank you, Karen, for your typo.

I've been a lurker on this list for several months. I must say I've
appreciated all the posts about McDougall-- as a matter of fact, it
was from this list that I first heard of him. My husband was the
chief cook and bottle washer during my last semester at grad school,
and I bought him Dr. Ornish's cookbook. He said he couldn't plan menus,
let alone come up with recipes, so I thought this would be a good
alternative. My youngest son, who is very SAD, started hiding the
cookbook. We found that my husband is one of those who CANNOT follow
a recipe and have it taste palatable. The rest of us started hiding it,
too. He also would not follow the menus, so we had conglomerations that
would do a buffet proud...

McDougall has been a tremendous lifesaver. I'm not as strict as I would
like to be (I still eat lowfat poptarts for breakfast) but McDougall
addressed several concerns that I had. I can eat potatoes, for example.
I love potatoes! I'm not as fond of rice (which is pretty bad, because
my husband is also half Japanese). I don't even care about a variety of
foods, and often prefer to eat the same things. For me, eating is rarely
pleasurable, it interrupts my day, and is generally a pain. But McDougall
has made it easier. I don't have problems eating out... I hate the words
let's do lunch! But now I know as long as I can get a baked potato and
a salad, I'm fine. Keep those comments coming... they are a real pick-


... .... .- .-.. --- -- ... .... .- .-.. --- -- ... .... .- .-.. --- --
Catherine Buck Morgan
Automation Librarian, SC State Library
EMAIL: cmorgan@xxxxxxxxx OR catherine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
NEW INTERNET: http://www.scsn.net/users/cmorgan/index.htm
--The most violent element in society is ignorance. Emma Goldman--

*The views stated herein are not necessarily those of my employer.*

... .... .- .-.. --- -- ... .... .- .-.. --- -- ... .... .- .-.. --- --
Catherine Buck Morgan
Automation Librarian, SC State Library
EMAIL: cmorgan@xxxxxxxxx OR catherine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
NEW INTERNET: http://www.scsn.net/users/cmorgan/index.htm
--The most violent element in society is ignorance. Emma Goldman--

*The views stated herein are not necessarily those of my employer.*
