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archive recipes

I got this a time ago and saved it with my recipes.  Well I used it
today and as it worked perfectly for me I wanted to send the message to
the list again.  Thanks

If you are missing digest #197, here's how to get it:
Send an e-mail to:      fatfree-request@xxxxxxxxxxx
  (Note: notice that is fatfree-REQUEST@xxxxxxxxxxx)
In the subject line, put:       archive
In the message section, put:    get volume97/197
Send the message
Within moments, you will have digest #197 in your mailbox.
Save these instructions.  If you ever want another digest, just change
197 to whatever number digest you want.  And in 1998, change get
to get volume98 and in 1999, change it to get volume99, etc....

Jenka Keizer-Guevara                    The University of Alabama
jguevara@xxxxxxxxxxx                    Instructional Technology
http://ua1vm.ua.edu/~jkeizer3/          Doctoral Candidate
