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In response to Jan's latest post on relatives and "veggie lifestyle":

In the August issue of Family Circle there was an article written by
Mary Tyler Moore on being vegetarian.  She had some very good points on
a more serious nature, not really funny, but I wanted to share.  She
said that on one of her afternoon walk through the countryside near her
home about eight years ago, she stopped to watch some farm animals.  She
said she took such pleasure in looking at their faces and realized that
their eyes were no less complicated than her own.  For every creature,
the eyes are the window to the soul.  From that point on she couldn't
(as she put it) swallow their flesh.  
For me, I originally made this choice out of concern for my health and
after doing a lot of research on the subject, realized how poor it is
for us to eat m**t, etc.  I find it easier to stick to my decision when
I think of things like how gelatin is really animal bones and envision
what that cow must act and look like in a slaughter house.  If you ask
me, this world can greatly benefit from a little compassion - and it
doesn't just need to be directed at human beings.

On the lighter side, Mary Tyler Moore said she just refuses to eat
anything with a face.
