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Quick Vegan foods and the fatfree list

I picked up a cookbook that is really neat and has some great fast meal
ideas.  It's called "Cooking healthy with one food out the door".  It is
a vegan cookbook, although not low/no fat, but oil is easily omitted and
substituted with something else, the same with olives or other high-fat
items.  The basic recipes are GREAT, and with a little imagination and
some substitution you can have some quick easy meals that are designed
to be vegan.

Now, one more thing, I inadvertently deleted my copy of the rules, etc.
that I got when I subscribed to the list.  Could someone please e-mail
this to me as I would like to change from receiving the list in digest
format to recieving the messages individually.

Thanks a lot!

Leah in Cleveland, Ohio
