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Re: Dr. Ornish's flax seed oil recommendations

Brenda Jensen <brejensen@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I never heard Dean Ornish recommend flax seed oil.  When did he
> start doing this and where did you find out about it?  I would like
> to learn his reasoning for adding fat.

I'm the culprit who spread this new information. This topic and many
others - which are off-topic here - are discussed on my Healing-Heart
Support Group list. Only heart disease discussion, no recipes.

I was part of the professional treatment team at the Ornish one-week
residential retreat in September - where he announced the addition
of flax seed oil as a recommended supplement. The reasons have been
discussed on the Healing-Heart list. Archives are available.

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Neal Pinckney <> Healing Heart Foundation <> Makaha, Hawaii <> AH6HM
